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The Professional Union of the Volleball Players

PLANIPIX Portfolio - ProSmash website, mobile version
Working Hours: 465     Cost:      Status: Ongoing

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Part of ProSmash members are international players that don't speak French. The website elements are presented in both English and French with automatic switch based on the user browser settings.
Responsive Design

Responsive Design

The website automatically adjustable for different screen sizes and devices. Such feature makes it's possible to register from the Smartphone the same as from Desktops. It's critical for SEO and that ProSmash runs Social Media Campaigns where users follow links right from their devices.
Dynamic Content

Dynamic Content

This features allows us to create the page elements dynamically from other sources or part of the website. It saves a lot of time as you can change the information in one place and it will be adjusted automatically in other places where it was used instead of repeating the procedure again and again.
Membership Engine

Membership Engine

The union has an engine that manage it's members accounts, access, payment and data. Like a small CRM but closely integrated with the website engine. It automate part of the work and creates automatically renewable subscriptions. Members can renew, upgrade or downgrade their subscriptions.
E-Mail Engine

E-Mail Engine

ProSmash able to send E-mails to it's members, like newsletters and notifications. It's possible to group, organize and separate different E-mail campaigns and track the result.


The specific form that aimed to run legal matter campaigns and collect handwritten signatures from the members, then generate documents.


There is a separate donation form that allows to donate to ProSmash without necessity to create a membership. This form dedicated to fans and all people that interested in supporting the healthy volleyball environment in France.
Bug Tracker

Bug Tracker

As ProSmash is a non-commercial organization we are able to share new features early and test them, collecting the feedback. The users can submit a bug report and we receive it immediately.


As an addition to the website we created a forum that allows members to organize, share information and ask the union about new features. Other users can upvote the request and thus change it's priority. No more guessing - just a straightforward roadmap based on your customers needs. Also we added a multilanguage support with a manual translation into the users language.

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